Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Welcome/Is This Really Happening?

Crazy ideas always hit me at the most inopportune times (like 12am the night before a job interview). I decided instead of trying to take my mind off said interview by reading "The Hunger Games" (oddly enough not very relaxing), I would think about food. I think about food a lot. Especially during unemployment. Why you ask? Because unemployment (or as I call it a housewife without a choice) has allowed me to discover the cooking diva no one believed was in me (to this day no one will let me live down the time I put Easy Mac in the microwave and forgot to add water, setting off the smoke alarm). During this extended period of "actively seeking employment"I have come to discover, mostly because of Pinterest and from food blogs it has introduced me to, that food can be pretty, fun to prepare, and quite frankly addicting. I can't wait to try that next recipe that is going to top the previous one. And if that sounds lame so be it! (Note: It is deliciously lame, though). 

What I have also learned through my cooking adventures is that 1. Most people don't actually try the recipes they "pin" and 2. There's no way to tell if a recipe is going to be good or not or as "simple" "low fat", or "quick and easy" as the writer claims it to be. My goal with this blog is to share with you my findings and give an objective, honest view on the recipes I find. I don't claim to be an expert, just a regular married woman looking for recipes that are worthwhile to feed to my family of four (my husband, myself, my 19-year-old brother, and the dog). I hope that you discover this blog to be entertaining, informative, and a place where you can come back for excellent recipes and those that you are better off avoiding.

So, maybe this idea wasn't all that crazy...

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